Image: Matt and Peter, two filmmakers at Rozier Wilkinson
♥ Who are the people behind the camera?
PW: Hello - I'm Peter (Wilkinson) a writer and producer.
MR: And howdy - I'm Matt (Rozier) a director and cameraman.
PW: I started working in the theatre in London, firstly as an actor and then as a script reader, and I slowly started making the move into film a few years ago.
MR: I was an actor too for about 10 years. That was how we originally met, many years ago, in a play at the Globe Theatre in Germany. We instantly hit it off - kicking opinions on film around and we've been mates ever since. I made the move over to directing a few years ago, first for the stage, and then for the camera, and we met up in 2009 to shoot something for Pete and decided to form our sister company Blind Crow Pictures.
PW: I'm originally from the North-East of England but trained and worked in London for many years and now oscillate between the two as work demands.
MR: And I'm based in Bucks with my long-term lady and little daughter Poppy - she's two and quite possibly an evil genius. She's calling me a lazy tortoise at this very moment.
Below is one of Rozier Wilkinson's Love Story Style Wedding Videos.
[vimeo w=620&h=330]
♥ What do you do? What are you great at?
PW: One thing Matt and I feel very passionate about is the individuals with which we work - it is one of the easiest things in the world to produce a film or video that is generic in nature - that almost makes the couple and the wedding fit into a box that is already created for them and that is used for every other couple - this isn't what we like to do, and this isn't what we are paid to do. I am proud that we look at each couple, each wedding, each shoot as being individual, and that we have the ability to produce a film that is specific to that couple, wedding and shoot.
MR: Yeah, I think we're really proud of the work that we do - we've come at wedding filmmaking back to front, most filmmakers begin in events, move into corporate work and end up in narrative drama. We've done the whole thing in reverse. For us, events and weddings aren't a job that we have to do to get to the next rung in the ladder, they're something we choose to and enjoy doing. The great bonus about working backwards is that we can take the skills we've honed on big film sets and use them to give people what they really want, a beautiful, original and delicately crafted snapshot of themselves. Stuff like that never dates!
♥ What inspired the start up of your company?
PW: There were various threads that fed into our forming RozierWilkinson, but for, personally, I would say that it was the pleasure we got from hearing and seeing the reactions to our films that really made us take the plunge into wedding cinematography. We have both worked for a number of years and in a range of roles within the theatre and film industries and, to be honest, more often than not, it can be quite hard going in terms of working with other people. It can be very competitive and quite insincere and, frankly, rude, a lot of the time. A little over a year ago, in the middle of working on our short film and a couple of promotional film jobs, we were asked by a friend of mine if we would be willing to shoot her wedding. We agreed to this as a favour and thought we would just quickly get it out of the way and get back to our other work - we had no idea that we would enjoy the filming process so much! We had such a good time, the people were fantastic, there was none of the problems and bad characters that we were used to on our professional sets, and there was so much emotion and humanity and good will for us to capture and edit together. And, to produce something that really means a lot to someone - to be a part of such a special day and to have the responsibility of capturing that and putting it together in such a way that affects someone and can make them happy for years and years to come gives one such satisfaction. After experiencing this for the first time, it wasn't very long before Matt and I were discussing filming another wedding, as opposed to another promotional film.
MR : A big inspiration for me (weirdly!) was actually watching several friends having unhappy experienced with unscrupulous vendors. Don't get me wrong - there are some incredible filmmakers out there, really talented, really professional and they deserve a great following, but there are a few which care much more about getting paid than getting good.
A few years back I was asked by a friend to fix a few problems he'd had when he'd received the edit of his wedding film. I crafted a new edit, but was shocked to see so little care gone into the simplest of shots. There's only so much that can be fixed in post and weddings aren't like films, you can't shoot another take again if something doesn't go right. Preparation and planning are key! When I found out how much the filmmaker had charged I was even more shocked. When talking about shooting a wedding Peter and I kicked around the idea of creating a company that would shoot with the professionalism found on a corporate set, the creativity found on a narrative set at a reasonable price and with a smile, not a fake 'fries with that' smile, but a genuine warmth. We enjoy what we do - why bother trying to hide it?! Plus, It's a really nice feeling to be running a company which you know cares more about the quality than the cash - I feel like Steve Jobs!
♥ What drives your passion?
PW: Perhaps Matt may want to distance himself from my answer to this! I have to be honest and say that tears drive my passion. Happy tears - to be more specific. There is not a better feeling, for me, than knowing that what we have produced has moved someone so much that they couldn't help but shed a tear. We got a message the other day from one of our brides and she said that she had sat down with her Mother and watched a 'pre-wedding' film that we had made for her, and they both sat there together and cried as they watched it. Obviously there are a hundred other things that I love about the job and that I want to get right and that I feel passionate about - but bringing out emotion in those we work with is something I always aim for. It tells me that we have done our job.
MR: Pete's answer just made me cry. I'm kidding. But he's right; it's a really special feeling. Just to add to that - I love, love, love, finding the hidden story. Weddings are strange beasts, full of friends and family who aren't always close and aware of the stories behind the couples. I love to find those hidden stories and to help couples tell them - I get a real kick out of thinking that after watching one of our films you'll know just a little bit more about what makes this marriage special. When you know, when you see that love for what it is it's then that you invest in it and really root for it. It's the difference between saying – Ah they make a good couple and I can't ever imagine them being apart.
PW: Okay, now you just made me cry.
MR: Sigh.
PW: Kiiddddding!
Below here is a personal favourite of Rozier Wilkinson's 'Save the date' video.
[vimeo w=620&h=330]
♥ Is there anyone in the industry doing what you do? And how do you differ?
PW: I think it is safe to say that there is no-one doing quite what we do and that we do have a bit of a unique approach to our work. There are obviously some fantastic wedding film companies out there, and some incredibly talented cinematographers, but I like to think that what Matt and I offer is quite special. Coming from a narrative film and theatre background, we are instinctively interested in the humanity and the character of not just the event, but of the couple and the relationship the couple have had, and will continue to have beyond the wedding day. And, also because of our background, we are in a fantastic position to not only identify these qualities, but to develop a film that best represents them. I think that this, combined with the equipment we use and therefore the quality of the footage we capture, combined with our technical knowledge, and combined with our way of working in general, makes us quite different.
MR: I think there are a few companies that share our values, but it's a really American approach. Most of the companies we really admire, that really care about the people they shoot and try to offer more than just a 'record of your day' are based in the US. I think a big thing for me, which they do much better than us is to ask themselves - how can we go beyond what we're employed to do? If you think like that you find that you're generous with your work, and if you're generous with your work then people take note and they want to tell people about how happy they are. Nothing spreads like happy thoughts.
PW: Apart from margarine
MR: Margarine and happy thoughts..... Hey perhaps that's a better name than RozierWilkinson? Pete, you can be margarine.
PW: We offer a range of other films which are typically done in a super cheesy way
MR: But we're allergic to cheese
PW: Such as Post wedding thank you films or Pre-wedding 'love story' films. These sessions are great, as they allow us to talk to both bride and groom before the wedding and to find out a little bit about the back-story behind the partnership. How did they meet? How did you realise he was the one?
MR: All of the questions are great and some bring a lot of great humour out, but it's the twinkle in the eye that you can see when they talk about each other that's soooooo rare. I've never seen that in a wedding film. I've seen great dresses and great cakes, and great shots on cranes, but that twinkle, that's so rare. That's what we're after.
♥ What are the advantages of hiring your services?
PW: People hiring Matt and I will get a comprehensive service - we truly and sincerely care about our work and the people we work with. There are so many options with our films, in terms of how we approach them and the different films and edits we offer such as pre-wedding, e-invites, post-wedding, etc, that any couple working with us can tailor what they get to suit their wedding, and suit their budget. The other advantage to hiring us, over, say, some other wedding videographers, is, as mentioned above, our approach to the couple. Of course their wedding day is special, but there is one thing that is even more special, and that is the couple themselves - the relationship - and that relationship started before the wedding, and will go on for many years after, and so we want to set the wedding day that we film within the larger context of the relationship - it means so much more when it has that depth and texture.
MR: I think another thing that we do well is that we're open, friendly and approachable.
PW: We're also funny
MR: We're very, very funny. Hilarious would you say?
PW: Yes, I think I would.
MR: But that doesn't mean that we don't take things seriously, we work hard, it just means that we're easy to have around.
PW: Like Guinea Pigs.
MR: Yes. Like Guinea Pigs with expensive cameras.
♥ Guide us through the moment you meet a client till the finished product?
This can actually be found here on our website, so I've just copied and pasted it here for you :-)
The needs of couples are always unique, sometimes it’s hard to pin down a definite process when creating your piece. But to give you an idea of how your film may be created, we’ve highlighted a step by step guide of ‘what to expect’ below. The aim of this is to make life as easy and stress free for you as possible, it can be as flexible as you need it to be. The main thing is you knowing that you’re in a safe pair of hands, and that your needs and wishes have been fully communicated.
When Making Enquiries
When making enquiries we’re more than happy to talk with you in whatever medium you’d prefer, you can find all our contact details on our contact page. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have – don’t worry, no questions are too small or too cheeky – if we can help in some way we certainly will.
When You Book With Us
If you decide to book with us, we’ll typically arrange a time that we can come to meet with you. We’ll also send across to you any administrative forms and we may take a few of the larger details of your wedding (i.e. when, where, what style of wedding etc.).
At the First Meeting
When we meet with you, we like to get a clear idea of the kind of people you are, and the kind of film you’re interested in creating. This gives us time to plan the techniques and gear we may need to make this happen. We like to find out what sort of package you may be interested in, the rough logistics of your wedding (the when and where) and what sort of feel or mood you’re looking to create.
Talking to you is important to us so that we can get to know what makes you unique – it's this uniqueness we want to capture in your film.
A Month Before the Wedding
We’ll typically contact you a month before your wedding, just to touch base with you and put your mind at rest that we’re fully prepared. We like to make sure that any questions you may have are answered well in advance of the day leaving you to relax and enjoy yourselves – let us take away your stresses – it’s your big day after all.
A Week Before the Wedding
A week before your wedding we’ll drop you a line just to confirm dates and places and that everything is moving forward as planned. On the day we don’t want to pose as any distraction,
We want to capture genuine moments between genuine people – the look from the father of the bride to the ‘little girl’ he’s giving away, the glances of reassurance and respect between nervous groom and even more nervous best man, that moment of relief and love when a newly made husband and wife realise that they’re finally married.
These moments you can’t fake, these moments you can’t pose and these moments you can never repeat. It’s our job as filmmakers to capture as much of these as they happen and when they happen. We like to make sure we have a timed plan of your day so that we can be at the right place with the right equipment at the right time.
On Your Wedding Day
There are two main types of event filmmaker – those that direct the action, and those that capture the action. We fall into the second camp. We don’t like to tell couples and guests ‘what to do’ or ask them to ‘repeat it for the camera’ as in twenty years time you’ll look back and think,
‘Oh yeah, that was that time we posed for the camera!’
It’s for this reason that we’re as unobtrusive as possible. In fact, you’re more likely to be directed by your caterer than by us.
We do need to move around, but we’re very discrete and subtle about it – you should always be the centre of attention, never us.
We’re always looking for ways that we can push our own boundaries and we strive to plumb the depths of our creativity on each shoot. ’What’s the real story?’, and ‘how can we tell it?’ are the two questions we’re constantly asking ourselves.
We’re never in a rush to leave and we stay as long as you’d like us. When you book us for your wedding day – that means the whole day.
After Your Wedding Day
Once we’ve got all of your footage, we’ll then work to put together the films that you may have selected. We’ll add music, titles and add motion graphics if required. If choosing a Facebook package, you can typically expect to receive these via online transfer no later than two weeks after your wedding.
Just before finishing the process we’ll send you a link to a low resolution copy, just so that you can double check for anything that you may want excluded from the piece. Then we’ll professionally colour grade your films and send you your completed wedding DVDs. If you ordered highlight or Facebook reels, we’ll typically also provide digital copies of these so that you can share them with friends and loved ones immediately.
We are genuinely proud of our level of client satisfaction, and so if the above is unfeasible or impossible, we can provide as much flexibility as you may require. The key is, we actually love the process of meeting you and making your movie, it’s that love and attention which we are sure you’ll see in your finished film.
Last video from Rozier Wilkinson, and that is of one of their wedding shoots of a wonderful couple Julie and Tony.
[vimeo w=600&h=330]
♥ If you could choose a celebrity (dead or alive) you would like to video, who would it be and why?
PW: I would have to go with Orson Welles. I don't believe there to have been a more interesting and talented individual in the world of film. Ever. Having read so much about him, his experience range from dinners with Churchill in Venice, performing magic with Houdini on the continent, marrying Rita Hayworth and working with everyone under the sun, as well as writing, directing and acting in perhaps the greatest film of all time. I would have loved to have made a film about him that truly communicated how special he was.
MR: For me, ah this is tough - Oliver Reed maybe?! I'll be honest - it doesn't interest me as much. As ex-actors ourselves we know that on your day off it can be weird to be the centre of attention - you kind of just want to fade into the background - you know - I'd MUCH prefer to film the wedding of the crazy drunk guy who was constantly propping up the Walkabout Bar in Wimbledon between 2001-2009 - his wedding would be a ball! Actually I think I love shooting weddings which are really visual - that's a massively broad spectrum, but the more visually interesting the better!
♥ What is in the future for you company?
PW: For the near future, I hope, it will just be more weddings!
MR: Me too!
PW: Meeting more couples and making them happy. In terms of the type of work we do, we always set ourselves the task of being ahead of the curve as to trends and techniques, and so hopefully that will continue and it would be wonderful to gain a reputation for original and exciting wedding films.
MR: Yeah I think Pete's right, we tend to try and think ahead of the curve - so we'll be trying to find new interesting techniques to help support the stories that people want to tell. We've had a few enquiries this year for weddings on the continent, so that's really exciting and we're just really enjoying ourselves at the moment. It's a really exciting time for us and we're just pleased as punch to be out there, meeting great new people and making films which we know will be cherished for many years to come.
I would totally recommend getting in touch with Matt and Peter, you can email them on, give them a call on 07779 783 488 and most definitely check out their website They are also on Facebook and Twitter.
I do hope you have thoroughly enjoyed reading and watching some of Rozier Wilkinson's pretty stupendous work. If you haven't found a videographer yet, I certainly recommend reaching out to them on the details above.
Keeping you inspired!
Rachyeta xxx
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