Our LUXE Travel competition has drawn to a close and we have had some fascinating entries. So many that it made it most difficult to choose the winners. But as promised there has to be two worthy entrants.
I firstly want to say that the LUXE guides are a fab fab travel necessity. I had the opportunity to see one not long ago, and not only are they hilarious to read, they are packed with local hotspots and information on travel passes to all the great museums, secret rooftop bars and champagne terraces, great shops and a selection of clubs. If you want to cut out the day or so it takes you to find a good place to eat or where the shops are... These guides are superb for weekend breaks when there isn't very much time to be faffing about.
Ok so enough about the stupendous LUXE travel guide, I should probably get to announcing our lovely winners! Our two wonderful winners are Tine Mahey and Sasha Cohurn who have requested a Tokyo and Sydney LUXE guide. I am very excited today and the lovely ladies are also. BONUS!
I would like to thank everyone for your fun facts, some made me chuckle and some made me fall off my chair (thinking I need a sturdier chair)! It has been a fun fact-finding few weeks!!
Have a lovely day and a brilliant week ahead!
Rachyeta xxx
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